Bisa Baca ? ?

Sekedar intermeso, gue dapet mantra-mantra gak jelas ini tadi waktu ngaskus.. hahaha….. Katanya semua orang pasti bisa baca,
Yuk, kita buktikan sama-sama… 😀

Murenut sautu pelneitian di Uinervtisas Cmabridge, utruan hruuf dlaam ktaa tiadk penitng. Ckuup huurf petrama dan trekahhir ynag ada pdaa tepmatyna. Siasyna bsia dtiluis bernataakn, teatp ktia daapt mebmacayna. Ini dsieabbkan kaerna oatk ktia tdiak m…ebmcaa huurf per hruuf, nmaun ktaa per ktaa.Laur bisaa kan? Sdaar aatu ngagk klaian brau sjaa mambcea dgnaen tiluasn ynag batrantakan.

gmniaa, bsia bcaa??


Beredarnya video m*s*m tersebar dari harddisk external milik vokalis band Ariel Peterpan yang hilang.
Kabarnya, si penyebar kini tengah memeras Ariel.

“Orang yang menemukan harddisk external itu kini tengah meminta tebusan uang ke Ariel,” ujar orang dekat Luna Maya yang enggan disebutkan namanya, di Jakarta, Selasa (8/6).

Namun ia enggan mengatakan berapa jumlah uang tebusan yang diminta si penyebar video itu ke Ariel.

“Yang jelas, kalau Ariel tidak mau membayar, dia mengancam akan menyebarkan video itu satu demi satu,” katanya.

Sebelumnya, ia mengungkapkan ada 32 wanita yang pernah direkam saat berhubungan s** dengan Ariel.
Ia juga mengungkapkan, bahwa sebagain besar dari wanita yang direkam Ariel itu adalah artis.

“Ada 32 wanita antara lain mirip dengan Ratu Felisha, mirip Aura Kasih, mirip Andhara Early dan mirip vokalis band SHE, Melly Herlina,” ungkapnya.

Saat mencoba mengklarifikasikan kebenaran hal tersebut, Ariel dan orang-orang terdekatnya masih bungkam. Mereka masih enggan memberikan keterangan terkait dengan peredaran sejumlah video itu.
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Word CUP 2010

you also can visit this sites to live watching… (ESPN) (CBC.CA) (Univision) (BBC)


yum install awstats

Optional: (To see what countries are visiting your website)

# yum install perl-Geo-IP

# yum install GeoIP-data

Prepare the configuration file:

# cd /etc/awstats

# mv awstats.model.conf awstats.model.bak # Keep a backup of the original

# mv awstats.localhost.localdomain.conf # Change it to your domain

Edit the configuration file:

# vi /etc/awstats/

In line 51: change LogFile=”/var/log/httpd/access_log” to the location of the access_log file you want to gather statistics.

Ex: LogFile=”/var/log/httpd/”

In line 153: change SiteDomain=”localhost.localdomain” to SiteDomain=””

In line 168: change HostAliases=”localhost″ to HostAliases=””

In line 203: change DirData=”/var/www/awstats” to your docroot.

Ex: DirData=”/var/www/htdocs/”

If you installed the Geo-IP plugins you need to enable it:

In line 1305 change #LoadPlugin=”geoip GEOIP_STANDARD /pathto/GeoIP.dat” to LoadPlugin=”geoip GEOIP_STANDARD /var/lib/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat”

Move the awstats directory to your docroot:
//uncessary, check

# mv /var/www/awstats /var/www/htdocs/

Change the permissions to the awstats directory:

# chown -R localuser:apache /var/www/htdocs/

Edit the awstats.conf to setup the aliases and restrictions:

# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/awstats.conf

Change the Alias, ScriptAlias and Directory location to where the awstats is in your docroot.


Alias /awstats/icon/ /var/www/htdocs/

ScriptAlias /awstats/ /var/www/htdocs/

<Directory /var/www/htdocs/>


Options ExecCGI

order deny,allow

deny from all

allow from 192.168.1. # Allow access to awstate from the subnet only


#Alias /css/ /var/www/awstats/css/

#Alias /js/ /var/www/awstats/js/

Reload Apache:

# service httpd reload

In case you don’t have the Options FollowSymLinks in httpd.conf, awstats will not work so you need to add it in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/awstats.conf above.


Options ExecCGI

Options FollowSymLinks


Update your statistics:

# cd /var/www/htdocs/

# perl -update

If you see something like:

Create/Update database for config “/etc/awstats/” by AWStats version 6.9 (build 1.925)

From data in log file “/var/log/httpd/”…

Phase 1 : First bypass old records, searching new record…

Direct access after last parsed record (after line 4)

Jumped lines in file: 4

Found 4 already parsed records.

Parsed lines in file: 13

Found 0 dropped records,

Found 0 corrupted records,

Found 0 old records,

Found 13 new qualified records.

Then everything went fine.

If you changed your logs from common to combined it might throw some errors when you update awstats so you need to clean the log file to have only the combined logs:

# cat /dev/null > /var/log/httpd/

run the update again:

# perl -update

Update for config “/etc/awstats/”

With data in log file “”

Phase 1:

Seaching new records from beginning of log file

Phase 2:

Found 2389 new qualified records.

Navigate to

If the update time on the upper left hand corner is the same as the time you run the update and you can see the statistics, then everything works fine.

Setup the cron job (it will run hourly and redirect the output to /dev/null so it’s not going to send an email to root every hour) :

cd /etc/cron.hourly

echo “perl /var/www/htdocs/ -update > /dev/null 2>&1″ >

chmod 755

test the script:


Refresh your browser and if the update time changes then you are all set.

Enjoy the statistics on your website!

Web Statistics on Centos 5


Add EPEL repositoriesfirst.

  1. yum install awstats
  2. yum install perl-Geo-IP
  3. yum install GeoIP-data

Configure Awstats

You’ll need to edit /etc/awstats can copy one of the examples there.

The configuration files take the form:


Naming the configuration file with the correct hostname is important as awstats cgi will refer to this hostname if you setup a virtualhost for accessing statistics

The most important lines in the configuration files are:

The location of the log file:


Your site domains:


Where awstats keeps it’s summarised data:


If you rotate or delete your logs, you only need the above data directory to keep the historical summary data for awstats .

Configuring GeoIP

Country statistics are quite important for government and international agencies to find out which countries are accessing their sites. Uncomment the following line and add the data as below:

LoadPlugin="geoip GEOIP_STANDARD /var/lib/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat"

Running Updates

Awstats needs to parse and update your logfiles for the data, you’ll need to run the updates program manually.

/var/www/awstats/ -update

The config file is the configuration file for your hostname you wish to access the statistics from. Most admins would probably want to run this in crontab.

Accessing in Apache httpd server

By default, the configuration for awstats is already installed to access via your localhost. See /etc/httpd/conf.d/awstats.conf to see the lines for which you can copy to create a virtual host to access statistics.

Rahasia kekayaan Buffett datang dari sikap dermawan

Banyak orang mencoba mencari rahasia pola pikir dan tips jitu dari langkah investasi a’la Buffet dengan memborong dan mengikuti buku – bukunya yang laris manis di pasaran. Namun, rahasia kekayaan Buffett sebenarnya, datang dari sikap dermawan dan lifestyle sederhana dalam pribadi hidupnya.
(See attached file: Legendary_ American_Investor_Warren_Buffett.jpg)

Sejak usia dini, Buffet telah menunjukkan kegemarannya dalam menghasilkan dan menabung uang. Dia pernah menjadi sales door to door, menjual permen karet, minuman soda, sampai majalah dan koran. Penghasilannya selalu ia tabung dan hanya digunakan untuk keperluan yang penting saja.

Warren Buffett yang sering disebut “Oracle from Omaha”, saat ini memiliki harta kekayaan bernilai sekitar US$47 miliar. Bersama istrinya, pria 79 tahun tersebut masih tinggal di rumah sederhana di Omaha, Nebraska, AS yang dibeli dengan harga US$31,500, lebih dari 50 tahun lalu dengan tetap tidak memakai pagar.

(See attached file: rumah_warren.jpeg)

Buffet bepergian tanpa dikawal siapapun dan membawa sendiri mobil pribadi sederhana yang dipakai hingga rusak sebelum digantinya.
Dia tidak berkeliling dunia memakai jet pribadi, meski ia memiliki salah satu perusahaan pesawat jet terbesar di dunia. Waktu istirahatnya dipakainya dengan menonton TV sambil makan pop corn.

Walau sering menikmati hidangan di restoran terbaik di berbagai belahan dunia, Buffett lebih memilih menu burger, kentang goreng dan Coca-Cola dingin. Saat ditanya mengapa dia tidak memiliki sebuah kapal pesiar, Buffett menjawab: “Kebanyakan mainan cuma menimbulkan rasa nyeri di leher“. Bahkan, ia tidak mempunyai komputer di meja kerjanya dan bepergian tanpa telepon genggam.

“Anak – anaknya tidak akan mewarisi sebagian besar dari kekayaannya”, Buffet ingin memberikan mereka secukupnya dan menghindari agar mereka jangan sampai merasa tidak harus melakukan apa – apa, karena terlalu nyaman dengan keadaannya sekarang.

Warren Buffet pernah berjanji, setelah meninggal ia akan memberikan 85% harta kekayaannya pada yayasan amal milik Bill Gates,
Gates Foundation. Namun, ia bederma lebih cepat dari dugaan. Pada tahun 2006, Warren Buffett mendonasikan 10 juta sahamnya di Berkshire senilai US$30,7 miliar kepada Gates Foundation. Jumlah sumbangan amal Buffett tercatat sebagai sumbangan terbesar dalam sejarah Amerika.

Renungan Indah – W.S. Rendra

Seringkali aku berkata,
Ketika semua orang memuji milik-ku

Bahwa sesungguhnya ini hanyalah titipan
Bahwa mobilku hanyalah titipan-Nya
Bahwa rumahku hanyalah titipan-Nya
Bahwa hartaku hanyalah titipan-Nya
Bahwa putraku hanyalah titipan-Nya

Tetapi, mengapa aku tak pernah bertanya:
Mengapa Dia menitipkan padaku ???
Untuk apa Dia menitipkan ini padaku ???
Dan kalau bukan milikku, apa yang harus kulakukan untuk milik-Nya itu ???
Adakah aku memiliki hak atas sesuatu yang bukan milikku ?

Mengapa hatiku justru terasa berat, ketika titipan itu diminta kembali oleh-Nya ?
Ketika diminta kembali, kusebut itu sebagai musibah,
Kusebut itu sebagai ujian, kusebut itu sebagai petaka,
Kusebut itu sebagai panggilan apa saja untuk melukiskan kalau itu adalah derita.
Ketika aku berdoa, kuminta titipan yang cocok dengan hawa nafsuku

Aku ingin lebih banyak harta,
ingin lebih banyak mobil,
lebih banyak popularitas, dan
kutolak sakit,
kutolak kemiskinan,
seolah semua “derita” adalah hukum bagiku

Seolah keadilan dan kasih-Nya harus berjalan seperti matematika:
Aku rajin beribadah, maka selayaknyalah derita menjauh dariku, dan nikmat dunia kerap menghampiriku.

Kuperlakukan Dia seolah mitra dagang, dan bukan kekasih
Kuminta Dia membalas “perlakuan baikku”,
Dan menolak keputusan-Nya yang tak sesuai keinginanku

Padahal tiap hari kuucapkan, hidup dan matiku hanya untuk beribadah.
“Ketika langit dan bumi bersatu, bencana dan keberuntungan sama saja”….

(Puisi terakhir Rendra yang dituliskannya diatas ranjang Rumah Sakit)

Rencana Aturan offside dalam sepak bola akan di hapus

Presiden FIFA Sepp Blatter mencuatkan sebuah ide kontroversial. Dia mempertimbangkan menghapus aturan offside dalam sepakbola.

Blatter rupanya terinspirasi oleh olahraga Hoki yang telah menghapus aturan serupa sejak 1998. Dia kini bahkan sudah melakukan studi dampak dengan menemui presiden presiden Federasi Hoki Internasional, Leandro Negre.

“Blatter bertanya banyak kepada saya tentang penghapusan offside. Dia tidak mengeluarkan komentar, namun nampaknya dia tertarik melakukan hal yang sama di sepakbola,” ujar Negre.

Salah satu komentator kawakan BBC, Barry Davies, menyambut hangat ide Blatter itu. Dia menyarankan agar implementasinya dimulai dari liga level bawah.

“Itu bisa diuji pada liga level yang lebih rendah. Pastinya akan makan banyak waktu untuk menerapkannya secara utuh, namun saya rasa ide tersebut sangat menarik dan sudah terbukti sukes di cabang Hoki,” ujar Davies.


Setting Up A Static IP Address Using The GUI

If you are using Gnome, click on “System => Administration => Network”.

From the Network Configuration window, select your NIC from de “Devices” tab and click on the “Edit” button.


Select “Statically set IP addresses” and enter the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway. Click OK when done.


Now back to the Network Configuration window, select the DNS tab. Enter your hostname and your DNS servers.


Click on “File => Save” when you’re done.

Setting Up A Static IP Address Using The Command Line

Log on as root, change directory to /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices and list all available devices.

# cd /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices
# ls

Find the configuration file corresponding to the NIC for which you want to set a static IP and edit it.

# vi ifcfg-eth0

I prefer using “joe” as a text editor rather than “vi”. You can install “joe” by issuing “yum install joe”. To invoke joe’s help menu, type “CTRL+K, H” from within the application.

Now set the parameters below according to your settings (those in bold characters only):


Save the configuration file and exit the text editor.

To set the nameservers, change directory to /etc and edit resolv.conf.

# cd /etc
# vi resolv.conf

The file format should be like this:

search your-dns-search-path
nameserver dns1-ip-address
nameserver dns2-ip-address
nameserver dns3-ip-address

Now save the configuration file and exit the text editor. To apply changes, we need to bring the network interface down and back up.

# ifdown eth0
# ifup eth0

If you intend to do that remotely, reboot the server instead as you would be disconnected from your server after issuing the “ifdown” command.

Removing IT Policy

Unlocking the Blackberry.

First of all, this is not a guide on how to remove carrier information from a Blackberry. If you’re unable to use a different SIM card than the one that was originally supplied with your device, look elsewhere. However if, like many others you have a Blackberry that is locked by a BES, meaning you’re unable to change certain settings, or install Third Party Applications then read on. Essentially, the problem is that your Blackberry has at some point been connected to a BES (Blackberry Enterprise Server), and this BES has placed a restrictive Security Policy (or IT Policy) on your device. A quick check to see if this is the case can be done by going to Options/Security on your Device. If you see any references to IT Policy whatsoever, then you have a potentially restrictive IT Policy that can be removed.

The Disclaimer/Intended Use.
This guide is intended for use by people that own their own Blackberry, and for whatever reason, have inherited a company’s IT Policy on their Device. Really, there are two scenarios where this guide is useful.

You, like me, bought a Blackberry on EBay and are unable to make changes to the settings or install Third Party Applications. You have a Blackberry that was previously connected to a company’s BES and, for whatever reason; you no longer intend to make connections to that BES. If you’re still connected to a Company BES, and simply want to install the latest and greatest Third Party Application I wouldn’t recommend this approach. Go talk to your administrators and ask them to grant you the appropriate rights. There are two problems in using this guide to bypass your Company’s Security Policy. Firstly, whenever you reconnect to the Company Server, your security settings will revert back to how they were. Secondly, and (perhaps) more importantly, you run the risk of getting fired.


Method One

Method 1: IT Policy Removal (Preferred)

If you have any 8xxx or 9xxx device the best method for removing IT policy is to update it to OS 4.3 or higher (if possible) and you can use JL_Cmder’s “resettofactory” command to remove ALL IT policy, Firewall restrictions and Application Permission settings. After you’ve upgraded to OS 4.3 or higher, simply backup the device using Desktop Manager, close Desktop Manager, then run JL_Cmder and execute the “resettofactory” command. The device will do a security wipe of the device; (meaning wipe your data but leave the OS, DO NOT use the “Wipe” command in JL_Cmder) then reboot leaving the OS, 3rd party apps but no data AND, best of all, NO IT policy whatsoever. When you’re done, simply restore your backup and you’re good to go with no policy or locked firewall. You can downgrade back to the old OS if you desire, too.

Download JL_Cmder from this link:

If your 7xxx or 8xxx device is running OS 4.2 or lower (look in Options >About) and you can’t upgrade it to OS 4.3 or higher you will NOT be able to use method 1 above and you will need to use method #2 below:

Method Two

Step 1

Ensure the Blackberry Desktop Manager is installed using Blackberry Internet Service, and not Blackberry Enterprise Server. If you are unsure, it would probably be a good idea to uninstall the Desktop Manager and start again.

If you don’t have the CD that came with your Blackberry, the Software can be downloaded here. BlackBerry Software Site

Step 2

Download the file policy.bin Download Here. and save it in your Blackberry installation directory (C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry).

Step 3

Wipe your Blackberry, creating a backup if necessary. Select Options/Security/Wipe (Newer 4.2 OS Devices Goto Options/Security Options/General Settings/Wipe) on the Device.

If this option is unavailable, you may have to install the latest software on your Blackberry. You need to Download and install the latest Desktop Manger Software, then the latest Handheld Software. Connect your device, open the Desktop Manager, select Application Loader, and follow the prompts.

Step 4

Close the Desktop Manager if it is open.

Step 5

From the Windows Start Menu select Run…, and at the prompt type regedit. In the tree on the left hand side, navigate to:

HKEY_Current_Users\Software\Research In Motion\BlackBerry\PolicyManager

Right-Click the Policy Manager Folder and select New/String Value. Name the value Path. Now, Double-Click the Path Subkey and set Value Data to:

C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry\policy.bin

Step 6

Open the Desktop Manager.

Step 7

Connect the Device.


Once complete, the Options/Security screen on your Blackberry should not contain references to an IT Policy, you should now be able to change all settings (including password prompts), and install Third Party Applications.